I joined the newsfeed club on club's day adn they had a meeting today. I was surprised to see my friends from Ideal there. I rarely get to see them. I miss them. I'm really scared of loosing them. I've been their friend since grade 2. I'm sad now. :(
Maybe I can become a journalist someday. But then I'll probably have to write about dangerous stuff, and is forced to go to dangerous places. I'm so confused as to what to do when I grow up!!!
Quote of the day:
"Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World." Christapher Columbus
And when you left the Old World, you found the New World. And it was filled with "Indians", wasn't it, Chris?
About Me

- Sophie Tribiani
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- Okay, sup? How you doing? Good! But you're probably here to know about me. I'm Sophie and I'm 15, grade 9, Asian, bla bla bla. I like a lot of stuff! Like books, music, MOVIES (if you want to know which ones, just go down to the bottom)! I want to be a director when I grow up, sooooo fun!! And I've got lots of friends, well, not lots, but a fair bit. People call me hard-working, or just a nerd. I am a nerd, a hard-core nerd, you got a problem with that? Good. I'm also just hard-core, I mean, I've got people's backs, I fight for what I believe in, I say what's on my mind, I don't sway with the crowd. Yeah, anything else? If you have any more questions (Which you probably don't, because you probably know me in real life, and you'll know that Sophie Tribiani doesn't exit, at least I hope I didn't steal someone else's name o.O....) Just read some of my posts, I've got lots!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
In the eyes of another
Today I felt like it was very important to see something in another's point of view. In English we wrote as a character in a play and what they would think of it all. And for homework we read about a boy and his incounters with a bad man that wasn't really bad at all. It just over all is a great practice of thinking like someone else, which I find very useful, especially if you all trying to understand someone or is in an argument.
I'm so stressed about current events!! I know the earth doesn't stand still, but sometimes nothing in the news is really affective here in Vancouver.
Quote of the day:
"The bookful blockhead, ignorantly read With loads of learned lumber in his head." Alexander Pope
That's funny because in the Da Vinci Code, when they searched up Pope, Alexander Pope shows up, and read his name. A. Pope, A. Pope, A. Pope, a pope!!!
I'm so stressed about current events!! I know the earth doesn't stand still, but sometimes nothing in the news is really affective here in Vancouver.
Quote of the day:
"The bookful blockhead, ignorantly read With loads of learned lumber in his head." Alexander Pope
That's funny because in the Da Vinci Code, when they searched up Pope, Alexander Pope shows up, and read his name. A. Pope, A. Pope, A. Pope, a pope!!!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Today we ran around the Langara gulf course. I didn't get the time that I hoped for. But that's alright, I not that good in PE anyway. At least I didn't come last. One of the reasons why I didn't run fast was because I thought it was two laps, so I saved my energy, or else I could have gone faster. At this point I'm just bragging.
I also did a math test. I understood everything, lets just hope it wasn't too bad. I've never had that bad of a mark in math, ever. Yet it's not my favourite subject, nor do I think I'm very good at it. But I do try hard, and when I try hard, things like math aren't so difficult. Things like running I'll probably stay at where I am for the rest of my life, and that's Sucksville.
Quote of the day:
" The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane." Nikola Tesla
Ha! Ah, this guy's hillarious, he is one of the best inventors of not only his time, but in all of history.
I also did a math test. I understood everything, lets just hope it wasn't too bad. I've never had that bad of a mark in math, ever. Yet it's not my favourite subject, nor do I think I'm very good at it. But I do try hard, and when I try hard, things like math aren't so difficult. Things like running I'll probably stay at where I am for the rest of my life, and that's Sucksville.
Quote of the day:
" The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane." Nikola Tesla
Ha! Ah, this guy's hillarious, he is one of the best inventors of not only his time, but in all of history.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
What???!!!!! I think they spelled Google wrong today. But I searched it up any way, and I got this place: http://www.googlle.com/
Isn't that so weird, why would someone make such a mistake and not change it? What does it mean? I have so many questions. What does Google, stand for anyway?
"Its a number with 100 zeros." Sha_man029 on Yahoo Answers
Oh. That's alot of zeros than. I found out why google is googlle today. It is its 11th birthday!! Seriously, it's that old. Wow.
Quote of the day:
" He who opens a school door, closes a prison." Victor Hugo
He closed a prison of obliviousness. That's in a way true, but not true enough.
Isn't that so weird, why would someone make such a mistake and not change it? What does it mean? I have so many questions. What does Google, stand for anyway?
"Its a number with 100 zeros." Sha_man029 on Yahoo Answers
Oh. That's alot of zeros than. I found out why google is googlle today. It is its 11th birthday!! Seriously, it's that old. Wow.
Quote of the day:
" He who opens a school door, closes a prison." Victor Hugo
He closed a prison of obliviousness. That's in a way true, but not true enough.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
That was the movie we watched today. Though I didn't think it'll be a movie worth paying for, it was still pretty good. (I would have rather watched District 9, but whatever) It was a good movie, it was. But, a child movie, just a child movie.
Quote of the day:
"Gwyneth Paltrow names her kid Apple. I'm not going to let that stand." Kathy Griffin
Oh, and what are you going to do about it?
"Have I gone too far?" Kathy Griffin
Quote of the day:
"Gwyneth Paltrow names her kid Apple. I'm not going to let that stand." Kathy Griffin
Oh, and what are you going to do about it?
"Have I gone too far?" Kathy Griffin
Friday, September 25, 2009
Everybody changes
They do, and they sure do it fast. Today, all my friends went to our old school to hang out. I would have missed it if it wasn't for Angel, who encouraged me to go. I first didn't want to, since I already went yesterday. But apparently my mom, the strange mom she is, thought that I should actually take a break from working and go and have fun, even though she knows how carried away I get with my friends. She's not like other moms.
Anyway, let talk about a specific boy, shall we? His name is Eric. He goes to Magee and I've known him since I was 7. That's 6 years ago. He hasn't changed in that time, not until now. Today, when I saw him, I was just happy to see that good old Eric. But when he talked, OMG, He sounds so different. I mean for 6 years it's been good old Eric, a head shorter than I am and will always have a voice higher than my own. Now, it's been 3 months, not even, and he doesn't even sound like himself anymore. In fact, now that I think about it,he looks overall older. The world is up-side down!!! There's even this video of him, I don't know if it's on youtube or not, and it's simply him saying, "oh, my, god." in a really girly voice, played again and again. Anyway, he's a huge tech-guy. He wants to be a music producer when he grows up. (See how well I know him?) So if any time your on youtube, check him out at onslowlane, the channel, no capitals, no spaces. (Unless he changed that too, which is highly unlikely) And check out his tributes to David Lloyd George and see how much crazy fun we have there. Some of them are hilarious. (I think we're the loudest, craziest, and weirdest school around, not to mention the class of '09)
Quote of the day:
" I don't design clothes, I design dreams." Ralph Lauren
As if.
Anyway, let talk about a specific boy, shall we? His name is Eric. He goes to Magee and I've known him since I was 7. That's 6 years ago. He hasn't changed in that time, not until now. Today, when I saw him, I was just happy to see that good old Eric. But when he talked, OMG, He sounds so different. I mean for 6 years it's been good old Eric, a head shorter than I am and will always have a voice higher than my own. Now, it's been 3 months, not even, and he doesn't even sound like himself anymore. In fact, now that I think about it,he looks overall older. The world is up-side down!!! There's even this video of him, I don't know if it's on youtube or not, and it's simply him saying, "oh, my, god." in a really girly voice, played again and again. Anyway, he's a huge tech-guy. He wants to be a music producer when he grows up. (See how well I know him?) So if any time your on youtube, check him out at onslowlane, the channel, no capitals, no spaces. (Unless he changed that too, which is highly unlikely) And check out his tributes to David Lloyd George and see how much crazy fun we have there. Some of them are hilarious. (I think we're the loudest, craziest, and weirdest school around, not to mention the class of '09)
Quote of the day:
" I don't design clothes, I design dreams." Ralph Lauren
As if.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Parents Run-about
The parents walk-about was so tiring. Now my parents finally pity me for my life. Well, duh! It's such a bigger school than my old one, and my old school are one of the oldest and biggest in the district. Anyway, not complaining or anything, but it's hard, it really is.
Funny I stumble upon talking about David Lloyd George Elementary. Just a couple of months ago, two elderly women came back to our school, they happened to have went to the school in the '20s, The '20s for crying out loud. The era of silent films and World War I. When I say they are elderly, I mean they were really elderly.
Quote of the day:
"A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon." Napoleon Bonaparte
Ah, the true meaning of war: The stupidity of over-energized men.
Funny I stumble upon talking about David Lloyd George Elementary. Just a couple of months ago, two elderly women came back to our school, they happened to have went to the school in the '20s, The '20s for crying out loud. The era of silent films and World War I. When I say they are elderly, I mean they were really elderly.
Quote of the day:
"A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon." Napoleon Bonaparte
Ah, the true meaning of war: The stupidity of over-energized men.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Short and sweet turned just short
We wrote in many different genres for a writing contest in English today. I was so excited since writing was one of my favourite things to do. Plus people apparently think I am good. So anyway, you were able to write anything you wanted, so I chose a short story. I wrote about the World War II. How it broke up families and tormanted soldiers as well as their loved ones. I hope nothing like that ever happens again. But I don't bet on it. People have killing in their nature, yet we are scared to, and if we do, we torment ourselves with the knowledge of it. Humans are the weirdest living organisms in the world.
Quote of the day:
" Forty is the old age of youth; fifty the youth of old age." Victor Hugo
Well, then you're a youth for quite a while. Whereas you begin to get old when you are, well pretty old. I feel like that is very far from me right now. Then again time flies, doesn't it?
Quote of the day:
" Forty is the old age of youth; fifty the youth of old age." Victor Hugo
Well, then you're a youth for quite a while. Whereas you begin to get old when you are, well pretty old. I feel like that is very far from me right now. Then again time flies, doesn't it?
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Numa Numa
This song is great. Numa Numa by Ozone. I've known that for a while but I just really like it right now. I know it's in Romanian, but it's still so catchy. I remember every word, though I on't know what they mean. :)
Quote of the day:
"Everything makes me nervous - except making films." Elizabeth Taylor
Okay, these are one of the people that doesn't make sense, none at all. If you're always nervous about it, and we're talking about one of the biggest actresses here, you can't help but ask: "Why are you in films anyway?" But I should give her a break, her friend just died.
Quote of the day:
"Everything makes me nervous - except making films." Elizabeth Taylor
Okay, these are one of the people that doesn't make sense, none at all. If you're always nervous about it, and we're talking about one of the biggest actresses here, you can't help but ask: "Why are you in films anyway?" But I should give her a break, her friend just died.
Monday, September 21, 2009
The Bright Star
There is a movie coming out called the Bright Star. It's about a poet, a real man who lived back in the 1800s, and his girlfriends, as one might call it. I've heard of this story before, I think he dies in the end, he was only 25 years of age. Maybe I can write something that good one day. Then I just think that I'm dreaming and that I don't have to talent. I wish I can write something so beautiful, something brilliant like that. All I can do now is write my version of other people's great work.
Quote of the day:
"Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love." Albert Einstein
What he says, to me, is only partly true. Yes, general gravity in the sense of science is the force that keeps us on teh ground. But it can also be explained just as a force, a force that no one can control, either pulling us towards or pushing us away.
Quote of the day:
"Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love." Albert Einstein
What he says, to me, is only partly true. Yes, general gravity in the sense of science is the force that keeps us on teh ground. But it can also be explained just as a force, a force that no one can control, either pulling us towards or pushing us away.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
So much to do, so little time
I have so much to do on the weekend that I shouldn't even call it a weekend. It should be called a week sum-up. The two days that you have off, you get to work on everything you've missed in the five days that you were not off. I need another list.
Quote of the day:
"Actually, I don't hate cats, I'm just kind of afraid of them." Clay Aiken
Quote of the day:
"Actually, I don't hate cats, I'm just kind of afraid of them." Clay Aiken
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Scientific Anxieties
We have a science test next monday, gosh I hope it's not too hard. I'm pretty mcuh ready, yet I feel like something's missing. Something's always missing with me. I never get the feeling that I'm really done, that I am ready. I always feel like there's more to be done, when in fact I've done everything. I'm usually on task and ready to go, I guess that's thanks to my feelings.
I overcame my doubts and sent an email to my favourite author, Sally Gardner. She lives in England. I hope she doesn't think me as too annoying.
Quote of the day:
"Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes, playing a poor hand well." Jack London
Well said, even if you have a horrible hand, you can still win on your own terms. Though you may not have the advantage of a good start, that doesn't mean you cannot make something good of it.
Watch The first one on the video bar today, it's nicely put out, a nice little story.
I overcame my doubts and sent an email to my favourite author, Sally Gardner. She lives in England. I hope she doesn't think me as too annoying.
Quote of the day:
"Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes, playing a poor hand well." Jack London
Well said, even if you have a horrible hand, you can still win on your own terms. Though you may not have the advantage of a good start, that doesn't mean you cannot make something good of it.
Watch The first one on the video bar today, it's nicely put out, a nice little story.
Friday, September 18, 2009
All's Well that End's Well
Wow, I really enjoyed that play. I love Shakespeare, I've always have. I don't understand the people that says he's BORING. They just don't understand him. His stories are like fairy tales within romance, magic within tragity. All the things he writes are so well thought of that no one in the new centry will ever be able to repeat. Yet he was so modest about his gift and saw it as a prison he can no longer escape from. I love stories above all else. It tells you about people and what others are like, putting yourself in their shoes. Yes, some of them are fake, but they are based on something, or someone, and Shakespeare is the first ever to come up with such brilliance.
Quote of the day:
" A mind lively and at ease, can do with seeing nothing, and can see nothing that does not answer. " Jane Austen
She's one of my favourite authors, she is the kind that writes the casual and unimportant and everyday subjects that you would normally get bored of. But with her penmanship, she was able to create unimaginable importance in something merely dismissing, and un-interesting.
Quote of the day:
" A mind lively and at ease, can do with seeing nothing, and can see nothing that does not answer. " Jane Austen
She's one of my favourite authors, she is the kind that writes the casual and unimportant and everyday subjects that you would normally get bored of. But with her penmanship, she was able to create unimaginable importance in something merely dismissing, and un-interesting.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Bard on the Beach
It's going to be so fun tomrrow at Bard on the Beach. We're going to watch All's Well That End's Well. I heard that play first was named Love Labours' Won, after Love Labours' Lost. But things gets misunderstood, I guess.
We watched a robot special in AP today. See, those are the shows that I like on TV, with the exception of Friends. But those specials are so interesting, I mean they make you interested in stuff you never cared about before. Like I saw one on the short-faced bear, a species that co-existed with the saber-tooth tiger, they died out a long time ago. I didn't even know they ever existed. But it seemed so cool and compelling to talk about why they died and what they ate and how fast did they run and all that. Those are the shows that when they end, you really just say, "Wow".
Quote of the day:
"Absence from those we love is self from self - a deadly banishment." William Shakespeare
That is well said. Sometimes you don't need a real punishment to feel horrible, a good example is guilt. It tortures you even though one really is torturing you. The bad things you do in life sticks, but that doesn't mean you can't fix them. The past is who you were, the present is who you are, and the future is who you will be.
I've added a video bar of Youtube videos on teh side of the page. Please check out the first, and only the first video in that bar, since I have not seen the other ones, but the first one is hilarious. I'll change the video once in a while.
We watched a robot special in AP today. See, those are the shows that I like on TV, with the exception of Friends. But those specials are so interesting, I mean they make you interested in stuff you never cared about before. Like I saw one on the short-faced bear, a species that co-existed with the saber-tooth tiger, they died out a long time ago. I didn't even know they ever existed. But it seemed so cool and compelling to talk about why they died and what they ate and how fast did they run and all that. Those are the shows that when they end, you really just say, "Wow".
Quote of the day:
"Absence from those we love is self from self - a deadly banishment." William Shakespeare
That is well said. Sometimes you don't need a real punishment to feel horrible, a good example is guilt. It tortures you even though one really is torturing you. The bad things you do in life sticks, but that doesn't mean you can't fix them. The past is who you were, the present is who you are, and the future is who you will be.
I've added a video bar of Youtube videos on teh side of the page. Please check out the first, and only the first video in that bar, since I have not seen the other ones, but the first one is hilarious. I'll change the video once in a while.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Student Council For the Win
I'm joining Council, well, hoping to join. I want to be grade representative, if people actually vote for me. I highly doubt that I can win that much votes. I mean lets face it, I ain't popular. But I do have a lot of experience with planning events and the work that the council does. I have to write a speech, which I find quite enjoyable, since I was Valedictorian for DLG Grad of '09.
Quote of the day:
"Every man dies. Not every man really lives." William Wallace
Very true. Couldn't of said it better myself, of course not, he died hundreds of years before me, how could I beat him to it? No matter who says it, it illuminates a point. Life is life, you've got to live it to the fullest, if you don't feel alive, you're not alive at all. That's why people love, love gives you the feeling of being alive. The feel for others as much as yourself, to give and not expect return, that's how to live.
Quote of the day:
"Every man dies. Not every man really lives." William Wallace
Very true. Couldn't of said it better myself, of course not, he died hundreds of years before me, how could I beat him to it? No matter who says it, it illuminates a point. Life is life, you've got to live it to the fullest, if you don't feel alive, you're not alive at all. That's why people love, love gives you the feeling of being alive. The feel for others as much as yourself, to give and not expect return, that's how to live.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
You found me
You found Me by the Fray is such a good song, I love it right now. I've been trying to get to get that song for so long. What can I say, the Fray is up there with ACDC and the Killers. Of course Kings of Leon, and don't forget Linkin Park. Led Zeppelin is great as well!! Rock seriously rocks.
Quote of the day:
"Action is the foundational key to all success." Pablo Picasso
Very true, if you don't do anything, you'll get no where. I just thought this guy was crazy, but I guess he got some good out of his girlfriends. Picasso always reminded me of a lost boy, in our world yet still trapped in his own. He sees things others can't. Crazy wouldn't be the best word to describe him. He was great in his own way, and no one could understand.
Quote of the day:
"Action is the foundational key to all success." Pablo Picasso
Very true, if you don't do anything, you'll get no where. I just thought this guy was crazy, but I guess he got some good out of his girlfriends. Picasso always reminded me of a lost boy, in our world yet still trapped in his own. He sees things others can't. Crazy wouldn't be the best word to describe him. He was great in his own way, and no one could understand.
Monday, September 14, 2009
movies are the best remedy
They are!! At least, I think so. I mean, what ever mood you're in, there is always a movie for you. In my case there will always be one moive for me. That ship sank almost a hundred years ago. My friends all call it the "Fail Boat", and I tell them, "Yeah, but I love that fail boat." Anyway, that brings me back to the fact that we'll watch Shakespeare in Love tomorrow, I can't wait!! That is like the only good movie I want to watch, yet haven't yet.
Quote of the day:
"A man who has a million dollars is as well off as if he were rich. " John Jacob Astor
See, these are the quotes that just makes on sense. If you had a million dollars, you are rich! This guy got all his money from his father, I didn't expect him to have any good quotes. Oh, well.
Quote of the day:
"A man who has a million dollars is as well off as if he were rich. " John Jacob Astor
See, these are the quotes that just makes on sense. If you had a million dollars, you are rich! This guy got all his money from his father, I didn't expect him to have any good quotes. Oh, well.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The Book Thief
I'm reading a book called the Book Thief and right now it's just plain confusing. The narrator, I presume, is some kind of soul collector, he seems invisible to everyone, and yet a girl saw him when he collected her brother's soul. It's so confusing right now, but most of my friends have read it and they all said it was a good book, plus Markus Zusak was honoured as a writer. But this book so far seems like one of those artsy movies that wins an Oscar for no reason.
Quote of the day:
"Art is never finished, only abandoned. " Leonardo da Vinci
Wow, if that's the case then there is more to the Last Supper, how bigger can that wall get?! And what more can you add to Mona Lisa? If he's talking about art in a long term, then I get it. But if he's not, then he's just never satisfied. He was everything a mastermind should be. He was everything, he was an artist, a scientist, an engineer, a mathematician, an anatomist, an inventor, a botanist, an architect, a writer and a musician. Wow.
Quote of the day:
"Art is never finished, only abandoned. " Leonardo da Vinci
Wow, if that's the case then there is more to the Last Supper, how bigger can that wall get?! And what more can you add to Mona Lisa? If he's talking about art in a long term, then I get it. But if he's not, then he's just never satisfied. He was everything a mastermind should be. He was everything, he was an artist, a scientist, an engineer, a mathematician, an anatomist, an inventor, a botanist, an architect, a writer and a musician. Wow.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Shakespeare in Love
We're going to watch Shakespeare in Love in English!!! I love high school! I've heard that is a really great movie, never seen it myself, though. It picked up a few Oscars in 1996, I think. I don't know why I know this things, it's like I have a natural knowledge in movies. Well, not really.
So it's the first weekend in my high school career, doesn't feel any different than other weekends. In fact, I feel like I've got less to do. But I did have some homework yesterday. Got the list that on the side there.
Quote of the day:
"Pick up a camera. Shoot something. No matter how small, no matter how cheesy, no matter whether your friends and your sister star in it. Put your name on it as director. Now you're a director. Everything after that you're just negotiating your budget and your fee. " James Cameron
Oh gosh, I love this guy, he is a mastermind. He is the reason I'm into movies. He writes, directs and produces his movies, it's absolutely incredible. He has a new movie coming out call "Avatar", it seems cool. If only directing is what he says it to be, unfortunately it's not that simple. If it was, there would be a lot less money-making-good-for-nothing movies out there and more of his kind of movies.
So it's the first weekend in my high school career, doesn't feel any different than other weekends. In fact, I feel like I've got less to do. But I did have some homework yesterday. Got the list that on the side there.
Quote of the day:
"Pick up a camera. Shoot something. No matter how small, no matter how cheesy, no matter whether your friends and your sister star in it. Put your name on it as director. Now you're a director. Everything after that you're just negotiating your budget and your fee. " James Cameron
Oh gosh, I love this guy, he is a mastermind. He is the reason I'm into movies. He writes, directs and produces his movies, it's absolutely incredible. He has a new movie coming out call "Avatar", it seems cool. If only directing is what he says it to be, unfortunately it's not that simple. If it was, there would be a lot less money-making-good-for-nothing movies out there and more of his kind of movies.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Friday lights
It's Friday. I don't get why people love fridays so much. I don't, I feel like its just any other day. I know its the weekend, but I don't like the weekend. I don't like fridays!! Just like I don't like chocolate!
We had to draw our house in a certain view today. It's so hard, and thinking that it's a test just gets to nerves charging. We were suppose to use only twenty minutes at home to work on it. I sort of gone a little over, I drew for 21 minutes!!!!!
Quote of the day:
"If I decide to be an idiot, then I'll be an idiot on my own accord. " Johannes Sebastian Bach.
Haha!!! That's hilarious! That is so true, if you want to be an idiot, you take controll of that dumbness. But I don't get why Bach would say that.
I love music, music is the best remedy, some might say. That's why I've added Project Playlist at the bootom of the page. Check it out! This will be good.
We had to draw our house in a certain view today. It's so hard, and thinking that it's a test just gets to nerves charging. We were suppose to use only twenty minutes at home to work on it. I sort of gone a little over, I drew for 21 minutes!!!!!
Quote of the day:
"If I decide to be an idiot, then I'll be an idiot on my own accord. " Johannes Sebastian Bach.
Haha!!! That's hilarious! That is so true, if you want to be an idiot, you take controll of that dumbness. But I don't get why Bach would say that.
I love music, music is the best remedy, some might say. That's why I've added Project Playlist at the bootom of the page. Check it out! This will be good.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The school is too big!!!
It IS!! It's too big!! I couldn't find my classes and when I did, I couldn't get back to my locker! My school was one of the oldest in Vancouver, but certainly not the biggest. I'm going to have to find the shortest routes, aren't I? I'm going to have to do it!! It'll seriously take forever. This will not be enjoyable. Once I've found a comfortable route, I'll have to change it in order to get the shortest route. But then it might take longer and then I would have to find another route. When that's all sorted out, I'll have a different schedule and..... just....... OH MY GOODNESS!!!!
I can't believe we go on a field trip next friday, my friends are so jealous. Jealousy isn't good, I tell them, but I can understand why they feel that way.
Do you have one of the those nights where you can't sleep. It sucks to have those on a week night. I wonder why I couldn't sleep.
Quote of the day:
"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality," John Lennon.
I love quotes, why not start with one of my favourite musicians. "A dream you dream alone is only a dream, a dream you dream together is reality." God, I hope he's right. That's how dreams come true. And that's how the world will work together to make everyone happy. But life is easier said than done, and many fall from reason and cannot look into another's perspective. That's how you loose people. Mistakes happen, and it's good for them to happen. You can learn from them. Oh, I found another perfect quote to go along with that thought.
"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. " George Bernard Shaw.
That is absolutely correct on everyone's circumstance. That's why I want so many things in life. You get this one chance, and one chance only. Mark yourself in this world so you can live on through legacy. That's what I believe. The only thing that keeps me from making my mark is rejection.
I can't believe we go on a field trip next friday, my friends are so jealous. Jealousy isn't good, I tell them, but I can understand why they feel that way.
Do you have one of the those nights where you can't sleep. It sucks to have those on a week night. I wonder why I couldn't sleep.
Quote of the day:
"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality," John Lennon.
I love quotes, why not start with one of my favourite musicians. "A dream you dream alone is only a dream, a dream you dream together is reality." God, I hope he's right. That's how dreams come true. And that's how the world will work together to make everyone happy. But life is easier said than done, and many fall from reason and cannot look into another's perspective. That's how you loose people. Mistakes happen, and it's good for them to happen. You can learn from them. Oh, I found another perfect quote to go along with that thought.
"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. " George Bernard Shaw.
That is absolutely correct on everyone's circumstance. That's why I want so many things in life. You get this one chance, and one chance only. Mark yourself in this world so you can live on through legacy. That's what I believe. The only thing that keeps me from making my mark is rejection.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Butterflies in the highschool
Today was the first official day of my highschool life. Found it harder to find people and easier to loose them. Did have fun at English, though. The teacher was nice and she seemed like a movie fan. Though definately no bigger of a fan than I am. Movies have a way with things. It's art expressed in the most simple way. It's stories about people and life and everything around you. It's about fictional beliefs and non-fictional discussions. It is technology used for telling stories.
So this is a blog, never had one, probably never would have if it wasn't for Applied Skills. I think this will help alot more trees. TREE POWER, Whoo-Hoo!!!
I should reveal a little about my summer. Well, I paid a visit to the Provincial Capital, Victoia. I took, if I'm correct, the most pictures I have ever took in one day. Of course the batterie energy went out before I did, so did my mom and dad's. I tried some professional filming, like zooming in slowly, and turning around, etc. But then I found that the shots were too shaky. Watch them, they're at the bottom of the page.
Can't wait until tomorrow, this school thing is really cool, I think I'm actually going to stick with it. Who am I kidding, of course I . I would be the last one to miss school, I'm too hungry for knowledge, that's the tragity of me.
So this is a blog, never had one, probably never would have if it wasn't for Applied Skills. I think this will help alot more trees. TREE POWER, Whoo-Hoo!!!
I should reveal a little about my summer. Well, I paid a visit to the Provincial Capital, Victoia. I took, if I'm correct, the most pictures I have ever took in one day. Of course the batterie energy went out before I did, so did my mom and dad's. I tried some professional filming, like zooming in slowly, and turning around, etc. But then I found that the shots were too shaky. Watch them, they're at the bottom of the page.
Can't wait until tomorrow, this school thing is really cool, I think I'm actually going to stick with it. Who am I kidding, of course I . I would be the last one to miss school, I'm too hungry for knowledge, that's the tragity of me.
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