About Me

My photo
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Okay, sup? How you doing? Good! But you're probably here to know about me. I'm Sophie and I'm 15, grade 9, Asian, bla bla bla. I like a lot of stuff! Like books, music, MOVIES (if you want to know which ones, just go down to the bottom)! I want to be a director when I grow up, sooooo fun!! And I've got lots of friends, well, not lots, but a fair bit. People call me hard-working, or just a nerd. I am a nerd, a hard-core nerd, you got a problem with that? Good. I'm also just hard-core, I mean, I've got people's backs, I fight for what I believe in, I say what's on my mind, I don't sway with the crowd. Yeah, anything else? If you have any more questions (Which you probably don't, because you probably know me in real life, and you'll know that Sophie Tribiani doesn't exit, at least I hope I didn't steal someone else's name o.O....) Just read some of my posts, I've got lots!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I guess life isn't as easy as it used to be when we had nap-time at 2 in the afternoon. Oh well, this is sort of a place where I can blow off steam, actually, but it's not like I have anything to blow off anyway. My mom said I'll be burned out by November, and now I've got a bet with her that I won't. We always have bets, like in the summer, I bet that I'll gain weight, and she bet that I'll loose weight, and in the end I lost 6 pounds. She's like psychic, she knows everything, and yet she acts less mature than I do. Oh well, I guess that's parents.

Pic of the day:

Okay, I'm going to share a secret with you guys, one that's been maybe hinted, or not if you don't know me too well, but here it is: I've always wished to be Annabeth. Besides her family situation, I love everything else about her, and I've always tried to be her, doesn't matter if it was movie Annabeth, or book Annabeth, I think either is great. That's probably one of my ultimate wishes, is to be like Annabeth. Key, word, though, like, not to be Annabeth, cause I love my life, but to be like her! And if I meet someone like Percy and he likes me, that's totally fine too!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blog to site

I've always thought having my own site would be awesome, but now as I scroll down the templates and things that a Google Site provides for, I'm having second thoughts. Pros and Cons time!!


I don't want to take hours starting up another site.
I like my original blog design
I feel like I don't need a discussion page on my own site
There's no real theme to the
I don't like how there's less gadgets on the site
I don't need any pages, really

However I do want to make the High-school blog into a site, that will be better because there will be more people on it and it'll be too crowded on a blog, and discussions are great on those kind of things, there's a theme.

Pic of the day:

See? J'aime Blogger.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Relax day

Today was really my relax day. I did almost nothing today!! It was sooooo great! I wrote a little, got some new, and very good, songs. Down at the side you can see what songs I got in the segment: songs I'm into at the moment. It's a creative name, eh?

I wrote in a notebook today, and actually found it just as enjoyable as working on the computer. Of course, there's no thesaurus to help you get intellectual words, but guess I can't cheat all the time. It was fun, and easier on the eyes, I have to add, considering how my eyes are just getting worse by the second.

Pic of the day:

Just, well, Harry Potter's all I can think of today, hey, I'm relaxing.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

See? I'm remembering to blog

Really, I don't have much to say today, but this is for marks after all, and I am indeed Asian. I'm almost done all my homework now. SQUEEE! But, even if I am done that, I've still got millions of other things to do:

1. Nag people to post on Highschool blog
2. I have to post on Highschool blog
3. Have to write many, many short stories I've conjured up in my mind that I haven't had time to
4. Start up Percy Jackson fanfic, seriously, it's going no where! At least I know where to go with it, what to write and what's going to happen, that's better than the next one
5. Start up Trilogy In Progress Book 1, which, frankly, I have NO IDEA where it's going
6. Recheck the many projects that of course, will always have some kind of loop-hole in them that I have to fix
7. Read
8. I really have so many things to do that I truly have no idea any more!

Pic of the day:

God, that's a scary thought, hope it wasn't that, whatever it is, that ate Jack.......

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Tired, but almost done

So for the homework, I've narrowed my list from nine things to do, to two things! So tomorrow I can relax a little and watch Merlin, and Monday, my friend can come for as long as she wants and I can watch Castle!!! This is great, I'm really tired though, I've been working from like 9 this morning, and it's now 4, but I can manage, I'm no Jamie, I'll get it done to satisfaction, not over achieve at all cost.

Well, the book blogs coming out nicely, and little slow, and many still needs to learn the procedure of things, but that's alright, we'll get there!

Pic of the day:

Clockwork Angel, really want to finish that right now!!

Friday, September 24, 2010


I'm very busy again this weekend, however, I WILL blog during this one. Well, I've got three days instead of two, so I'll cover more stuff, I guess, but one of my friends are coming Monday and she needs me to help her with a dance, probably have to kick her out half way, cause I've got so many things to do.

Well, I'm going to relax a little bit and go see a moon cake bigger than the average man! It's in Aberdeen, down at Richmond, go check it out.

Pic of the day:

Movie we're watching in Applied Skills.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

New episode of Castle

I just realized that I skipped Season 2 episode 1 of Castle, and I didn't even know before I stumbled upon a youtube video with a clip from it and realized "I haven't seen this one before", so now I'm on this really slow site trying to watch it.

Okay, list of homework/projects needed done:

Spanish map
Socials map of China
English project
Socials North Ireland project

Pic of the day:

Ha, I love these two!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


AND FRUSTRATED!!!!! No one in my English group for the big project is doing ANYTHING!! And I tell you what, I'm probably double as busy as they are, and they have done less than half of what I have, combined!!!!!!!!! I just sent them a email, explaining my feeling completely, and hoping they finally GET THE MESSAGE AND HELP OUT A LITTLE!!!!! Any way, today was a Collab Day, which means no school until 10, but I didn't know that, and to save myself the trouble of having to walk a mile home and then a mile back to school, I stayed at school. IT WAS THE MORE BORING HOURS OF MY LIFE. Other than Ms Greskiw asking me to help set up the book tests for her class, which was the only joy I had all morning. But then, my boredom was cut short when we did 6 laps (2.4 km) in PE, and then there was volley ball practice, and we did a very tiring and competitive game.

I'm soooooo tired!!!!!!!!!!

Pic of the day:

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Oh no

Oh God!!! I'm soooo sorry I haven't been posting! Mr Olson, please don't take marks off!!! I'm just seriously, freakishly busy this weekend, and I just totally forgot! And yesterday Castle was on, and I had the map to do!!!! Uh!!! Speaking of Castle, my mom got a little disappointed when I stayed up until 11 just to watch a TV show, so I didn't get to finish it, so yeah, but it's okay, I was a little out of line and I'll watch it on Casttv.

Well, I still have a lot, A LOT, to do, including another mapping project for Spanish, fun huh? So, I won't say much more, so I leave you with something good to look at...

Pic of the day:

I just realized I've never put a pic of them up yet! Why??!!

Friday, September 17, 2010


Finally!!! It's a two days well deserved for me, you do NOT UNDERSTAND how busy I was, and it's just the second week of school!!!!!! Or third? See? I've lost track. Any way, I've got four projects lined up, one of which is very complicated, and includes a slideshow, a very cool slideshow. Any way, it's just so tiring, and Pier Tutoring, Volleyball, Jr. Reach for the top, and helping at the library is just sooo much to do. But I'll live, and get time to watch BOTH MERLIN AND CASTLE, WHICH SEASON 3 COMES OUT MONDAY, AND MERLIN 2ND EPISODE OF SEASON 3 ON SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 hours, won't be too much of a problem.

Pic of the day:

TWO OF THE BEST SHOWS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Elegant Universe Big Q

1. What is a theory, and what is a philosophy?

A theory is an educated guess, but with actual hard facts to prove that the theory does have a very high chance of actually being right, whereas a philosophy is just a way of thought, a kind of possibility to allow people to understand things that don't make sense. However, apart from a belief, a philosophy is a kind of explination rather than a prediction, the explination might not necessarily be right, but many people will have approved it to be a philosophy.

2. Will string theory become a religion?

Depends on how you look at the theory. This is indeed Physics being discussed, and Science and Religion have always been contradicting each other. Personnally, I think religion is a way, as a philosophy is, to explain things we don't understand. It's also somewhat intailed with Mythology and the realm of uncertainty and none reality like based. Now this could totally be wrong, but I think on some level, even though we are not able to test or see the string theory in action, from the equations, I think they have somewhat already proved that string theory truly does exist. And that were to be true, then there will be no Mythology in contact what so ever, because you are talking about a theory as real as the Big Bang, and that's more of a Scientific way of looking at things rather than a religious point of view.

3. What are five of the questions they are trying to answer in this scientific and intellectual pursuit.

1. What laws discovered in history can be proved as false and which can prove that string theory does exist?
2. How is general relativity, the law of the big world, fit with the quantum mechanics, the laws for the micro-world, and how do they both exist without contradicting each other in one universe?
3. How do we prove that string theory is correct?
4. What kind of world are we living in and what are things that we haven't seen before (Ex: extra dimensions)?
5. What happened to start this theory and how will it end?

Pic of the day:


Wednesday, September 15, 2010


It's the second week of school, and already, we've got four projects lined up, one of which is due tomorrow and our group hasn't even been close to finishing. And it's a science project, and the guys (Jacob, Jonathan, Geoffery, Edward, hefty group, isn't it?) want to do explosions in space (This is all scenarios), and I haven't a bean of understanding on the matter. So far, only Jacob and I have managed to add things to the presentation, but I can't seem to find the other guys. Geoffery's got either swim practice, or Rugby, or band, I don't know, and Jacob called Edward and Jonathan, but no one seems to be going on the Google Doc! And I can't do it, cause I don't know what it could possibly result to.

The High-School-Subjects-Thing blog will be back up very soon, sorry for the overreaction by me yesterday, and sorry for the delay. Although, I'm happy to see so many people sad that's it's not available to them.

Pic of the day:
The all beautiful Helen from the Trojan War (picture of Diane Kruger from the movie Troy). I'm reading this book called Troy, by Adele Geras, it's quite famous, and I love it!! It's great! When the other blog starts up again, I'll be sure to put a review on it.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Other blog

Okay, I've been having a none-chalent (I'm not good with spelling) day, and it just got a lot worse. The other blog that I'm managing, It's the High-School thing, Vivian did something to it and now I can only see it, that's IT!!! I STARTED IT, AND NOW IT'S OFF MY DASHBOARD, SO IT'S LIKE I'VE NEVER DONE ANYTHING ON IT AT ALL!!!!! AND THE OTHER PEOPLE TOO!!! I'm not mad at Vivian, but I'd just wish that whatever she did, she had never did it, so this bad day wouldn't have gotten worse. But it's okay, if she gets me into the system as an admin, then I can change everything. Sorry, Vivian, but you just lost your admin privileges until she posts more. I'm sorry, it's not personnal, but if you're going to make this big of a mistake, then there will be consequences.

Pic of the day:

Too depressed, too lazy, AND I got home at like 6 from Volleyball, so I have to do homework, I'll see you guys later.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Socials Projects

Okay, so today we got like two projects, both quite major, in Socials. One is to draw, yes, draw, not trace, draw, a physical map of Europe. And the other one is to do a Powerpoint (I'm hoping I can switch that into a Prezi) on some kind of major political conflict that happened within the last 20 years, give or take. It's a group project, and it's with people I've never worked with before, Laurie, Ian and Gavin. I'm sort of wishing to side-step Gavin's suggestion on doing something about China, cause I have no idea what bad thing happened in the last 20 years in China, nothing huge, at least. I want to do North Ireland, which is about English history and religion, two of my favourite subjects!!!

Went to Volleyball try-outs today, had to borrow PE strip from some friends, but I think I did a good job. YAY ME!!!!

Pic of the day:

Something nice and simple today.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!! MERLIN SEASON 3 HAS OFFICIALLY STARTED!!!!!!!!! Season 3 episode 1 started at 7:00pm on September 11th, London time. So that was a while ago, and I CAN'T FIND THE ACTUAL EPISODE, OR ANYTHING OF THAT SORT! It was supposed to release on the 18th, or so every one thought. But the only episode I found is on BBC One, and it's out of our area, and it's driving me crazy cause I can't find it! AND Madi, my friend who also loves the TV show, has a cousin in England, and so he's taping it or something and then sending it to her, so she gets it before me!!! I'm soooo sad! And yet sooooo happy because it's out!

Pic of the day:

This is the picture for Season 3, if you've seen it, it's sooo sad that Morgana is evil now, cause I really liked her.......

Friday, September 10, 2010

Other blog

I just realized that I told you guys I'm gonna put the other blog's URL on this one, and I never did. Here it is: http://highschoolthing.blogspot.com/ And don't worry, I'll add it to the link list as well. It's really fun. It started off as an idea for a blog with book reviews, but now it's grown into a blog of every thing a highschooler could possibly like! There's movies in there, book reviews, of course, TV shows, music stuff, and science stuff. A special thanks to Geoffrey and Nick, whose the one's who have contributed a lot so far. It was originally It's The Stories Thing, but then I realized that stories don't cover it all, and High School does, so I changed it. If you want to get invited, just email me. Any one (I have to know them in some way) can join, but I can't promise Admin settings for every one, I've got to know you enough.

Pic of the day:
This is Molly Quinn, for every one who's interested in the Mortal Instruments. She's absolutely perfect for Clary, the gray dress? See? Like in City of Glass? She's meant to be her, and she's read the books and loves them!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Okay, today on the way home, Laurie and I had a wonderfully confusing, very Middle Years-like discussion on time, timelines and the Grandfather Paradox. We were thinking about the math question that Mr Chrzastowski gave us to think about at home. It was really hard, and it really makes me doubt whether or not I am able to do Math Enriched. But any way, we started then to talk about my book about another world where stories from books exist. When a historical fiction is written, that's why our conversation started. It was fun talking about how in my world, all time exists at the same time, confusing, huh?
Here's the question that Mr Chrzastowski gave us, it's Grade 12 level, have fun! There's 25 students in our class, and all of us were born in 1996, which was a leap year, which has 366 days. What's the probability of at least 2 of us having the same birthday? I'm really close!

Pic of the day:

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First official day of school

So this day was fun. I saw a lot of friends that I haven't seen in two months! That was really fun indeed. Plus, we got to see my new teachers, and they're all seriously nice!! I have a feeling this will be a FUN year. F is for friends who do stuff together, U is for you and me!!!! N is for anywhere and any time at all down here in the deep blue sea!!!! Sorry, the musical moment caught me. Okay, where was I? Oh yes, fun year......I think that's all I can say about that.

Frankly, there's this show that I really like and it's name is CASTLE!!! You might have seen Castle and Beckett in the best couples list. It's really, REALLY, good, it's a mysteries TV show. It's sooo fun to watch!!!

Pic of the day:

Richard Castle's a mystery writer, and every writer needs inspiration. When he comes across a chain of murders that were exactly the same as the ones he had wrote, he meets Dt. Kate Beckett, and he soon shadows her on cases she solved. Since he was friends with the Mayor, he never got kicked out, and soon starts a character based on the detective. It's the beginning of a beautiful partnership.