So today we went GeoCashing, yeah? It's okay if you don't know what it is, it's just a scavenger hunt. Any ways, it was great and all, and it was sunny when we started. But all of a sudden, the sky became really dark and there was a huge gust of wind and hail started to come down! It literally was like something out of the movies! Then, just as suddenly as it had come, it went! It was crazy, by the time we got back to the school, the sky was clear, there was no more hail, it was it never happened! It was sooo weird, it was like Poseidon was trying to tell us something. It was really creepy, but funny! And I got it all of film!!!!!
Finished the filming for Challenge Anit-Homophobia video! We get editing tomorrow!!
Pic of the day:
Now we didn't see a double rainbow! But we did see a rainbow!
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