1. After watching the couple of creepy episodes in Castle Season 3, especially the season finale, it's funny to watch them be so ignorant in the first and second seasons. They're so much happier, somehow, season 3 was a lot gloomier, a lot more scary and serious cases. It's great!!!!
2. Fullmetal Alchemist music?? Like openings and endings, ARE SOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not really surprised, considering how this show is perfect all round.
Pic of the day:
Edward gets really tall in this one. If he was real, he'd be spazzing by now, but he eventually gets taller than Winry!!! I love those two together!!!!!!!!!!!!! And who else, might you ask? The Hawk's Eye and the Ishvalan Hero, or Riza and Roy!!!!! I love those two, so dedicated to each other, actually really realistic.

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