About Me

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Okay, sup? How you doing? Good! But you're probably here to know about me. I'm Sophie and I'm 15, grade 9, Asian, bla bla bla. I like a lot of stuff! Like books, music, MOVIES (if you want to know which ones, just go down to the bottom)! I want to be a director when I grow up, sooooo fun!! And I've got lots of friends, well, not lots, but a fair bit. People call me hard-working, or just a nerd. I am a nerd, a hard-core nerd, you got a problem with that? Good. I'm also just hard-core, I mean, I've got people's backs, I fight for what I believe in, I say what's on my mind, I don't sway with the crowd. Yeah, anything else? If you have any more questions (Which you probably don't, because you probably know me in real life, and you'll know that Sophie Tribiani doesn't exit, at least I hope I didn't steal someone else's name o.O....) Just read some of my posts, I've got lots!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lots of stuff

There's lots of stuff I want to touch base on.

I finally got the hang of overhand serving in volleyball! YAY ME!!!!

Madi and I are going to watch I Am Number Four tomorrow!!! YAY US!!!!!

Laurie finished her French presentation!! YAY HER!!!!!

Eddy is getting Patrick headphones tomorrow!!! YAY THEM!!!!!!!!

I had a freaky dream last night with a cast of a lot of people. Vlad, a guy from my French class, and his brother (which only exist in my dream) raced me down a hill on bikes. Emily, this little girl I used to work with at my daycare, warned me about a game. Madi made a video game for this competition between DLG and this other school. I did Jeopardy and totally pwned. This guy who you probably don't know, Alex from Ideal, was there and he won a rocket ship challenge. Suddenly we were sucked into Madi's game, except her because she knew what the game was about. Two mafia families, I had the only gun. We go to this field, and I tell everyone to get down. We go on two waiting '72 model VWs and again, I tell everyone to get away from the window and stay down. I pointed the gun outside, so I stayed close to the window. We get to this Hong Kong flea market, where we have to find information. Some one's uncle, not mine, was there and we gave him our only gun, because we were all leaving him to watch the cars. This store clerk (Who was in a movie I saw, Hong Kong), she knew where to get clues about the other mafia family. She shows us her back storage room, and we get locked in. My parents were there, and I had to free my dad from this bound on the wall. I asked the store clerk what the hell she was doing because i thought she was the one who tied up my dad. She was tied up too, though, and my mom freed her. Suddenly the door closes and it's like being in a tomb because there's no windows. I yell a know and hear Vlad and Alex outside being shot, and know that the uncle was a traitor. Then I woke up.

I went to sleep again, wanting to know what happened next. Madi was there, and she told me I won the game, I'm still not very sure how.

Pic of the day:

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