About Me

My photo
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Okay, sup? How you doing? Good! But you're probably here to know about me. I'm Sophie and I'm 15, grade 9, Asian, bla bla bla. I like a lot of stuff! Like books, music, MOVIES (if you want to know which ones, just go down to the bottom)! I want to be a director when I grow up, sooooo fun!! And I've got lots of friends, well, not lots, but a fair bit. People call me hard-working, or just a nerd. I am a nerd, a hard-core nerd, you got a problem with that? Good. I'm also just hard-core, I mean, I've got people's backs, I fight for what I believe in, I say what's on my mind, I don't sway with the crowd. Yeah, anything else? If you have any more questions (Which you probably don't, because you probably know me in real life, and you'll know that Sophie Tribiani doesn't exit, at least I hope I didn't steal someone else's name o.O....) Just read some of my posts, I've got lots!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Need to watch a movie

Right now, I seriously need to watch a movie, any movie, I haven't done that for like two months now, nor was I able to write in two months either, and it's driving me crazy!! Gosh, my mom said I can go watch the Heart of a Dragon, the biography movie on Rick Hansen, the guy on the wheelchair who traveled around the world to raise money for cancer research. Yeah, it'll be a really inspiring kind of film, but I'm just not that into that kind of movie right now, I need something that'll wind me down, not make me cry.

I really want to watch like a movie for a teen, like..... okay, I know I hate Twilight with a passion, but I'm tempted to watch Breaking Dawn and then insult it. I don't know, maybe I'll just watch that.

Pic of the day:

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Today I finished up a project on Aristotle: to write a journal in his point of view of when he gives his last regards to his dead parents. It was quite interesting, very moving, if I do say so myself. I usually feel for my characters, and Aristotle became one of them, and I get quite carried away with emotions, it's like the characters start talking at a will of their own, it's quite cool. But it just made me long for more time to write. OMGs, need to keep that up, and do homework! OMGs, eh, it's all good, I've got it under control. I'm actually just finishing up stuff, going to the library soon to get a book on the English Civil War to finish up my notes, got to finish up the Time Traveling project, and edit the Aristotle thing. Really, the biggest thing I have right now, is studying science for the big test next week.

Pic of the day:

Speaking of Greece, haha, Kagaya. Call me crazy, I know.

Friday, October 22, 2010

haven't written

Haha, here's the huge email I just sent to Jamie:

oh it's ok, and we sort of havent decided where we're going yet, so it might not be my house. any way, wow, dad lets you go to dance, but doesnt let ur girl friends help you dress up.......o.O weird. ok, now mom's mad at me because i ruined her reputation of being a cool mom, cuz i told her dat i told u guys i couldnt go because she said i couldnt, when really, i know she'd be greatly happy that i went, to have fun and to be greek, my favourite time period of all, and her favourite age of women and beauty......o.O so well, i'm still not going. ok, she was like an emma or a winnie when she was in highschool, and i am, well me, so she was a lot more relaxed and calls me a geek and a freaky teacher all the time......... haha, love my mom. my dad was like me, i think dats where i get it from, but he's cool about stuff, still thinks of me as his little girl, always trying to make me eat fruits, and talking to me about his favourite guys from three kingdoms and hannibal barca (yes, he also love napoleon), and he's like the "i trust you" kind of guy, so always ignores bad stuff and if he cant, then just a "i know u'll make the right decision", he's definitely better to be asking the computer programs about than life problems. dats my mom, always the psychiatrist, or at least she thinks, but she's pretty good at it. haha, sorry, just gave you biography sized intros to my parents, which i'm sure u didn't care to read. ok, i'll shut up now, it's just that i haven't written in so long that all these words are in me and i just can't get them out unless i describe stuff, and it's just, i just, i mean, it's hard when you don't have time to write, ur hands just take a life of their own. ok, i'll shut up now, it's just, SHUT UP, JESSICA, WHAT?? HEY, SOPHIE, UR PART OF THIS TOO!! also another sign i havent written in a while, sophie starts fighting with jessica, usually their very agreeable, considering their one brain, me. HEY, WE ARE NOT A SAME PERSON, goddammit, dumbass, we are, no wonder i can't concentrate sometimes, it's because there's a THING in my head, hey, we share this one, buddy.!!

ehe, hey, be quiet, no you be quiet, no you, no you!!! YOU BOTH BE QUIET!! What?? who was that?? al pacino! o.O

Pic of the day:
Chloe and Derek from the Reckoning, third book of the Darkest Powers by Kelly Armstrong, love these two together, so cute!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Not much homework, yet so much to do

Okay, tomorrow I get to relax a little, and pretty much finish all my homework, which actually isn't that big of a task this week, yay! Uh, then, on Saturday, all day, I've got the Cake Tournament for volleyball. It's called the Cake Tournament because if you win, you get a huge cake afterwards, so it'll be really fun! And then on Sunday, I have to go to Laurie's house to both work on our Sexual Reproduction presentation with Laurie and Jamie, and we get to help each other with our Halloween costumes. Since there's the other volleyball tournament on the Friday, and the fact that I don't think I'm going to the Halloween dance, I don't think I'll dress up this year, though we had a great idea for all Middle Years kids to dress up as a god or goddess from Greek Mythology that most resembles them. I'm going to be Athena, if I do get a chance to dress up......

Pic of the day:
Gosh, did I tell you how much I loved Kagaya's art? I probably have. They are just, wow, no words.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The talk

Today we had the assembly and it was just soooo touching, and funny at the same time. What a guys, like seriously, first being teased, no, not teased, teased is under-stating it, was put in physical danger because of what his skin colour is. AND THEN, he gets rejected to be any one's friend because of the people he was attracted to! That's just wrong!!!!! What? Like there are people who actually do that? And principals who actually ignore it?? There are people who blow up desks?? O.O That was me when I heard it. Vancouver's a big city, full of multiculturalism, come on, if you were to say something like that, the visible minority (well, if you think about it, here it's not really a VISIBLE minority) then you'd be the one who gets in trouble. We just don't really experience racism here in Vancouver. Of course, there are certain individuals, but for a city as a whole, we are very open to anyone of different race or gender or what their interests are. We should feel lucky. Of course, I missed the last little bit cause I had to skid on out of there and get to Hamber for a volleyball game, but from what I've heard, Vancouver is great, and we need to make all places like Vancouver. Tomorrow, PURPLE FOR THE WIN, I'm going to wear all the purple I own. I mean, I'm not gay, but I am part of a visible minority, and just because I'm not gay, doesn't mean I can't have gay friends, or stand up for gay people, and say that even though we might not choose the same gender for our life partners, it doesn't mean they are weird, and it definitely doesn't make you more superior, and it DEFINITELY doesn't make you liable to say that they are "not right" or "not normal" because they are still people. If we, as a species, don't even get along with each other, no matter colour, religion, sex, gender, they what the hell do we have left in the world?

Pic of the day:

Come on guys, wear purple tomorrow!

Monday, October 18, 2010


Okay, you would not believe what we have to do, as HOMEWORK, for science. Go on, guess, you got it yet? It's to make a presentation of any way (poem, story, video) on..............wait for it....................................................... SEXUAL REPRODUCTION!!!!!!!!!!!! We are traveling in the point of view of a sperm and it's journey to the egg! Isn't that fun?? No seriously, it's quite freaky how cool our science teacher is. SHE MAKES US CHANT PENIS AND VAGINA AND APPARENTLY THE OTHER TEACHERS DO IT TOO!!!!!!!!!!! WEIRD O.O!!!!

Okay, on a less awkward note (awkward rock, flop) I have nothing else to say.

Pic of the day:
I finally get (sort of) time travelling!! I'm so proud of myself right now!

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Okay, just finished my Socials Essay, and I'm actually feeling pretty good about my homework right now, I've finished most of it. Good news, eh? So, problem, remember how I can't get on my site and edit it on Chrome? This means that I have to get on EI to do it, and it'll take a whole hour, at least, just to open it, I don't understand how my parents can use normal EI and not want to pull their hair out. Not that I would do that, I'll probably just drum on the table as I go, but it's just soooo slow!!

Oh well, the good thing is I'm done most of my homework.

MERLIN WAS SOOOO GOOD!!! I watched a little at Laurie's house yesterday, but finished it this morning, SOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!!

Pic of the day:
This is really cool!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Becca's Bday party

KK, just in like half and hour I'm going to take off for Becca's house for her birthday party. Can't wait!!!! It'll be sooo fun! And after, Imma go to Laurie's house to work on our Socials project, considering how so far I've done most of it. Really, I don't expect more from the guys, just, stay out of it and say your lines, yup.

TIME TRAVEL!!!!!! I DON'T GET IT!!!!!!!!! I JUST DON'T GET IT!!!!! WORMHOLES, PHYSICS, PARADOX, well, I get paradoxes, but not the physics part. Like with Newton's second law of motion (all matter has a set velocity unless an outside force is added), if you travel faster than the speed of light, then you will ultimately be traveling back in time. And of course the twin paradox, love that one. But my favourite is still got to be the grandfather paradox, it's sooo hilarious!!

If you go back in time and kill your grandfather before your father is conceived, then you will cease to exist, but then you will never have had a chance to go back in time to kill your grandfather, so he's fine.

Haha, just a waste of time. But there's the other chaos paradox, if you change anything in the past, it will result to spectacular change in the future.

GAHH, pretty confusing!

Pic of the day:

God, the Clockwork Angel, I totally want it!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Madi, oh Madi, You've just entered the Torture Chamber, I've been there for half my life!

Haha, here's my friend's blog, and I thought what she just posted was seriously hilarious. Now, I'm doing this next part cause I need practice in quote citation, uh!

"Anyway, the reason for this post is to rant about our mass load of homework [...] it is spread over a long period of time so the torture is like 4 months in the process." Hercules the Sheep aka. Madison Vince (Sheepweekly, October 15, 2010 post)

Yeah, citations are great, aren't they? And this is not a 4 month progress, this is to be used for the rest of your life! Haha, guess I deserve it, planning to go get an English major and all. That was a passive sentence, and active one would be: Getting an English major would make me do lots of citation, so I guess I deserve it. Haha, now the "it" is an unclear subject! God, sooo enjoyable!

Okay, enough, I didn't mean to bore you or to offend Madi, sorry. But just needed to make my point, which is (hopefully that's a clear subject, which) that if Madi's entering the Torture chamber, then let me be in death row for fifty years. Just kidding, figurative speech, gosh, hope I didn't jinks anything!

Pic of the day:

This is my friend Madi in case any of you didn't know. Haha, she's not hideous and her face almost NEVER looks like that, this is just from one of her posts about how back her school photos are, and she was reenacting them. Madi, this post is dedicated to you, peace and love, my old friend, peace and love!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Google Chrome

Okay, pros and cons about Google Chrome:

It's soooo much faster than normal Internet
It's free
I'm getting so used to the format
It gives you a tab choosing so you don't have to look through your history

It won't let me access Google sites, like at all
The cursor on my blog won't work
There's lots of sites that it just won't load
There's always frozen pages if it can't load it
It's not as bad as EI frozen pages, but still up there

So....... I don't know. I guess I'll play with both. It's just that now that I can't access my sites, then I'll have to wait for the weekend to update it!


Pic of the day:

Haha, guess there's a third option. Never did get the hang of Firefox.....

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGs!!!!!!!!!!!! THE LOST HERO COMES OUT TODAY!!! IT'S SOOO AWESOME. The Lost Hero is the first book of the new line-up of Camp-Halfblood books, first line up being Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. This new one is called the Heroes of Olympus!!!!!!!! It's soooo cool!!!!!!!!!

Okay, glad I got that out of my system. Any who...... I have decided something today. I realized that you can post both here and on the Google sites, check mine out. But, here's the news...... I'm still keeping my blog! I know, you're like, but that's such a hassle, handling both, how can you stand it? Bla bla bla. But you know what? Maybe one day I will delete my blog, but for now, I like it as the way it is. And though it's a hassle, I'm ready to face that if it means keeping both. I like them both.

Tesla's awesome, Edison's a fake.

Pic of the day:
Keeping with the Rick Riodan theme. Nah, just needed an excuse to show these two!

Monday, October 11, 2010


Okay, I'm not gonna list out all the things I'm thankful for. They are truly very interesting, but not interesting to you. So I will just say, I'm thanks for everything in my life, see? Vague yet so specific.

Okay, so sorry I didn't post yesterday, but I was sick. I've been sick for a while now.....with Bieber Fever!!! No just kidding, this is from "Bieber fever" by Nigahiga, you can find it down at the video bar. It's just so fun to say that!! But right now I'm addicted to his song, Like a Good Boy, a parody to Like a G6. It's sooooo funny!!!!!! Here's a little bit:

Playing nice, tickle fight, with my sister.
When I'm in a rush don't run with the scissors.
Using scissors on my crafts cause all my crafts give me joy.
Now I'm following the rules like a good boy.
Like a good boy, like a good boy, na na na na na, now I'm following the rules like a good boy!

I love it!!

Pic of the day:

I don't have time right now, but I'll find a picture of Nigahiga soon!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Did something today

Well, just sort of cut my work list in half. Still got a way to go, but I is really happy I did many half of it already. MERLIN IS DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!!!!!!! There's supposed to be a episode on in the UK at 11, which is their 7 pm. SO NOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE ALREADY WATCHED IT BUT I STILL HAVE TO WAIT TILL SOME ONE PUTS IT ON THE INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!! GAHHHHH!

I'm stump. I have no idea what to eat for lunch, haha, I just realized this is the first time I've talked about food on my blog. I interests me, and eating is great, but it's always over shadowed by something else. Huh, still can't figure out what to eat, maybe I just won't eat, that'll be easier, and I'm not too hungry, but then when my mom gets home, she won't be very happy to see that "a grow girl of 5 foot 10 with high activity level, both physically and mentally" has skipped a very important meal...... o.O

Pic of the day:

In honor of John Lennon's birthday yesterday.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Did nothing today

I seriously didn't. My mom was sick a few days ago, now she's all better, but I'm a little sick. Just a little though, cause this morning I felt awful, and right now I'm not so bad. Besides finishing up my Math worksheet (Which is a speck compared to what I need to do throughout the weekend) and staring The Catcher In the Rye, I pretty much did nothing today. Went to the doctors to see this tiny bump on my leg, apparently it's this vein thing that you get when you are on your feet a lot, guess that's me. But it can develop into something horrible, but for now, it's not so bad, no medication, that's good. Well, I'm not too worried, nowadays, many things are curable.


Pic of the day:

Comes out next week!! Very excited but it'll probably be a while before I get time to read it. I went to Chapters today, though, read like one more chapter of The Clockwork Angel.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


We have a four day weekend this week, and I'm need it soooooo much! I'm busy, can't do much else, I'll post more during that luscious weekend!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Editing Website

I'll have to split my time between these two sites, and tomorrow I'm going to talk to Mr Sale about the High-school thing one, so I'll have three to manage, but otherwise, I have decided to keep my blog, maybe not the High-school thing one, but definitely this one. I've put too much hard work to just let it all go deleted.

Okay, a little tired, but am still keeping up with homework and all, so I'm okay. Can't wait for the Volleyball game tomorrow at King George, we're gonna pwn them!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Okc1-yow-Uc Such a funny parody of Like a G6, probably heard me sing it a lot today.

Pic of the day:

Movie news came out from Cassandra Clare's blog today, and just wanted to state that Alex Pettyfer (Sooooooo good looking, uh) is, IS, Jace Wayland, they are the same person, and I swear, if they cast someone else, I will be very very mad!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

new site and MERLIN!!!!!!!!!

Here's my Google Site, it's still in progress, so there are many things not added so far, but it will get done.

JUST WANTED TO SAY THAT NEW EPISODE OF MERLIN WAS ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND THE NEXT ONE LOOKS EVEN COOLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 1, 2010


Sorry, haven't been posting as much. Maybe I post too much and it was just a break for you guys not to know what's going on in my life. Haha, that can't be it. JK JK, I'm not that cocky, arrogant, sure, but not supercocky. Any way, I've been working on.......... drumroll..........HOMEWORK!!!!!!! No, seriously, I've been working on HOMEWORK. Did you see my list at the top of what I need to do? Hefty, huh? But I've also been working on my site, the one required from Mr Olson for Applied Skills, the one for HOMEWORK. You like my emphasis on HOMEWORK? HOMEWORK!

Too much, just, just, too much.

Pic of the day:

Jamie started showing me art by Kagaya in the summer, and now as I look at it more, I love it more. How beautiful they are!! HOW GREEK THEY ARE!!! They are just, wow, there are no words, no words (cheesy? Yeah, I thought so too.)