About Me

My photo
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Okay, sup? How you doing? Good! But you're probably here to know about me. I'm Sophie and I'm 15, grade 9, Asian, bla bla bla. I like a lot of stuff! Like books, music, MOVIES (if you want to know which ones, just go down to the bottom)! I want to be a director when I grow up, sooooo fun!! And I've got lots of friends, well, not lots, but a fair bit. People call me hard-working, or just a nerd. I am a nerd, a hard-core nerd, you got a problem with that? Good. I'm also just hard-core, I mean, I've got people's backs, I fight for what I believe in, I say what's on my mind, I don't sway with the crowd. Yeah, anything else? If you have any more questions (Which you probably don't, because you probably know me in real life, and you'll know that Sophie Tribiani doesn't exit, at least I hope I didn't steal someone else's name o.O....) Just read some of my posts, I've got lots!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Awesome song

Good song that I just heard and decided to fall in love with, Pages by There For Tomorrow:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YC_B0TOPu8 Well, a little Mortal Instruments entwined never hurts any one.

Good news, I got a summer job helping out my old daycare. Get to pay back to the community, very excited!!

Merlin ROX!! Just finished season 1 as well as season 2, so now I'm going crazy waiting for the third one. Haha, got my friend Madi addicted to it too. But this, I sware, will be the funniest video of people singing you'll ever see:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jl1A-YUtchg&feature=related Not joking, Madi, tell 'em! Who knew King Arthur and his sorcerer protector could be such goof-balls!!

Pic of the day (See? I keep my promises):

Keeping with the Merlin theme, of course! XD

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted up here. It's hard to remember if you don't do it every day. But I'll try for once a week.

Hats off to Mr Olson for making an AWESOME Synergy day, and thank you to all teachers for being there and we had a great time!!!! *applause applause*

Okay, soooooo. Oh, and instead of a quote of the day in the summer, I'll have a picture of the day and if I like it, I do it next year too!! Here's the first one:

It's my profile picture on Gmail, look closely if you like Mortal Instruments!

Monday, June 14, 2010


Since I've been watching soooo much of the awesome show called Merlin, I've started to think to myself in an English accent. It was good until this quote came to my mind. It's driving me crazy!! I completely forgot where I heard it from, but I think it was something I watched a lot. Every time I think about it, I can feel like just itching my mind, but I just don't know where it's from!!!!!!

Oh, btw, season 2 episode 9 of Merlin, the lady of the lake, sooo sad. Well, not really, if you watch it, I didn't like the girl, but Merlin was sooo sad that I had to cry!!

Quote of the day:
"Well, perhaps you should LOOK for them!" Unknown

I want to say it's said in a girl's voice, but really, english girls' voices are very deep, so I really don't know!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Tomorrow's the first day of exams!! And that's when we're doing the two that requires the most, Socials and Science. So wish me luck, but probably most of you are doing it too. So, no time for quote, no time for this and that. The only free time I get, I'm watching the show Merlin, which is like soooo cool. Check it out!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Last day 1

Awe, I'm sooo sad today because it's the last Synergy day of grade 8. I can't wait for next year, but it's just a little hard to say goodbye to the the scene you know so well. I loved this year, and I probably will love next year just as much. Built a lot of new friendships and learned so many new things. From now on, my posts will probably go to once a week or so until next year. Sniff-sniff, good bye grade 8!!

Quote of the day:
"When God closes a door, he opens a window." Unknown

I forgot where I heard that from, but I wish that window leads to wonderous things!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Awards ceremony

It was fun, but I didn't get called up for Applied Skills, ah well, I got the certificate any way, it doesn't matter. I hope one day I get the best Young Adult Writer or something, but right now, I'm happy with what I got.

Yeah, still working on Fanfic, and getting ready for the summer mostly. I couldn't go to the French program for summer, so I'm a little bummed out. Also, I told every one I'm going to be making some short films, and I just realized the guy that I'm doing it with is going back to China for a good half of the summer, so either I'll have to work on it alone, or we just don't do anything at all. So I'm a little down right now, so this is all I'm going to write.

Quote of the day:
"I'm sooooo confused!!!!" Anson Yam


Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I'm still not quite sure about the awards and whatever, but I know there's this awards ceremony tomorrow afternoon, and I know I'm nominated for THREE, that's 3, 3, three, trois, THREE, subjects!!! I'm soooo giddy right now!! I'm awesome!! But, no, really, I'm very proud of myself but also very scared that I'm going to go like ah, I have done enough this year, and like get horrible on finals like I did on today's Science test (which I didn't know any of the answers to!!). Well, every one has talent, but I guess mine is just school....

Quote of the day:
""When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, and then throw it in the
face of the person who gave you the lemons until they give you the
oranges you originally asked for" Jace Wayland

this is my weird way of saying i love u guys, you know i do! i'm just mean at times!! but i'll never do that to u guys, and here's my friends second part:

god named my friends laurie, jamie, yae-ji, sharon, rebecca, zoe, madi, sirada, all my old friends, and new, etc. etc. because...
he thought love is the only jewel left on this earth, and if there were somethings that never stopped shining, and that's all of you!!"
Jessica Yang

Just in case you didn't get my buzz notice, here's my thank you to every one I know and how happy I am to have awesome friends and family and teachers and bla bla bla who are always there for me. I LOVE YOU!! (Just a btw, I think it's National Friends Week, that's why I'm saying this, but I'll say it any day, really!!)

Monday, June 7, 2010


Two test done today, the French oral and the math test. But two more tomorrow, a Wrinkle in Time for English, and the chapter test for Science. WONDERFUL!! Oh well, I'll get it over with like I did today.

OHHH!! Yesterday I did soooo much plotting for the fanfic. Here's my idea. Same as before but you know how the Golden Fleece hangs at the border of Camp Half-blood? Well, it's swamped by a bunch of the dead and when it came close to the fleece, they revived again, so there were a dozen living dead afterwards. Any way, Nico was taking away, at least his soul was, when Hades was first being revolted against because he didn't like Nico hanging around the dead and he thought it was dangerous, so he left his body in Camp Half-blood and took his soul. Remember how Laurel likes Nico? You know how they brought him back just in time to make that big hole in the ground so the dead fell in? LAUREL KISSES HIM!!! Isn't it awesome??

Quote of the day:
"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, and then throw it in the face of the person who gave you the lemons until they give you the oranges you originally asked for" Jace Wayland in the Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare

HAHA, just haha. Less than three to Jace!! Less than three, <3.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


OMG, just started on the Fanfic about Percy Jackson and I've got to say, it feels really good to start writing again. I've been so busy with studying for finals and everything that really, I've just lost the time to write. But today we finished the socials project at Zoe's house and then watched some friends and I got home at around 4:30 so I thought I barely have time to study now. So I don't care what I get on the final oral exam for French (Well, I still do a little, it's me! How can I not?) tomorrow.

Here's the synopsis for the fanfic. It's called "Recruitment" and it's about new half-bloods coming into the camp. Percy and Annabeth are now eighteen, so it's like two-three years later. We get new half-bloods to come in, Kami for Athena, Matt for Zeus, Daemon for Hecate (I love that!!), Zach for Apollo, Laurel for Iris, so on and so forth. The stream of half-bloods sort of died down a little for a year, but their still getting more. There's going to be a revolt in the Underworld, and guess who Hades has to ask help from?? PERCY!!! But to test the new guys, Chiron asks Annabeth and Percy to watch the solution like guardians and let the new guys settle it. The new guys are anxious and Percy and Annabeth don't want to stay at the side lines, bla bla bla. Does that sound good or does that sound good??

Quote of the day:
"I definitely have strong feelings for you, just don't know if their positive or negative yet." Annabeth Chase in The Lightning Thief the movie

Cheesy, but in a wonderous way!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I'm a little sick

This is not good... Finals are coming up and I'm going to Zoe's house to work on our socials project tomorrow, and I've still got to study for French and a lot of other stuff, and I just can't be sick right now!!! I've got to get better!! Bye early, have to go get better!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I won the AWARD, YEAH, BABY!!!!!! Well, I actually don't know what the award is or what I'm up for or when or where, I don't know anything but the fact that I'm going because Ms Chuaqui nominated my name. THANKS MS CHUAQUI!!!!! Any who, Jamie's going too (no duh) and she says it's just a ceremony, but Ms Chuaqui says there's going to food and that my parents should come, so I'm a little confused, but still, I'll get more detail later.

I DON'T HAVE DRESS PANTS!! Which is not good because apparently you're supposed to wear it on the Grad Orchestra, and if you don't, you don't get to go on. But seriously, I won't buy dress pants just for this, but I want to go too, hopefully I'll wear my black jeans and nice shoes and just hide behind every one else. Or I can wear a skirt if Mr Hill says so. But it's not him I'm worried about, it's Mr Hurst, he's very strict about clothing. And what's worse is that my mom might say that I can't go because it's the night of the second day of finals, so it cuts into my study time. I DON'T LIKE THIS!

Quote of the day:
"'I don't like this' said Calvin." A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle

Just finished, love it!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Principal's retirement party

Today we played at our principal's retirement party after school until five, it was actually pretty fun. We saw what a classy party was like. Of course, Mr Hill promised us pizza, and then Mr Hurst said we weren't going to get any, and really I think it makes sense. It was a classy party for adults, and we were technically speaking working, we shouldn't be off eating their food, now should we? I was a little disappointed, I'd have to admit, but I really thought it was no big deal, and Mr Hill said he'll make it up to us. But every one else was whining and complaining that we didn't get any free pizza. I had to run home and start on my homework and I'm still not done!! See, even if there were going to be pizza, I still wouldn't have stayed for any. It's just the negativity of something soooo small that makes me think that the people complaining are not that mature, gosh, get over it already!!

Quote of the day:
“It's only arrogance if you're wrong” Anonymous

Haha, that's just funny. I think you can be arrogant even if you're wrong!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


One of my friends, Madi from Ideal, writes fanfics. And one of hers is Percy Jackson and Harry Potter crossover. But there's barely any Harry Potter, though. BUT SHE DID SOMETHING BAD!! SHE BROUGHT BACK CALYPSO!! If you've read the books, you'd know that Percy is like in love with Calypso, yeah, he chose to go back to Annabeth in the end, but it wasn't an easy choice, and now SHE'S BACK!!! This is sooo bad!

KK, speaking of fanfics, Jamie, Laurie and I have started plotting for one. We made up a lot of different new half-bloods already. Like there's this girl named Cami, and she's the only cross civilization half blood. A daughter of Athena, Cami's dad was Japanese, so making her the only multi-cultural half-blood. She's got a gift of being able to understand a lot of languages and her weapon of choice are celestial bronze ninja stars and cherikens. (not sure that's how you spell it) And Laurel is a daughter of Iris. She's very jumpy and has a white cat that follows her around every where, and the cat's eyes changes colours of the rainbow according to mood. Laurel's weapon of choice are white, spiked boots because she can kick really high and hard. And yes, we based Laurel on Laurie.

Quote of the day:
"Setting the record for the longest flight of a cat." Laurie Chang

LOLZ, from her speech about flying cats.